Dashing Through the Year

Can you believe it? Another year gone by, another new year coming along whether we’re ready for it or not. I don’t know about your 2023, but mine was chock-full of change. I lost my mother, launched two businesses, embraced living in a multi-generational home, adjusted to living in the ‘burbs, and went from going in to work every day to figuring out how to work remotely. For me, it was a lot. Mostly happy, but changes nonetheless.

We can focus on what went wrong in a year or what went great or best yet, the balance of those. Mostly, we should thank the universe for giving us another 12 months to grow and learn and love. Thank you, Universe, for my love-filled-learning curve-year!

So what does 2024 hold? And should we plan for it or just let it unfold? It's that time of year again when we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new with open arms. Or trepidation. It’s our choice, really.

New Year's resolutions are a tradition for most folks, but let's face it, making resolutions can sometimes feel like an exercise in self-discipline and hard work or even futility. But what if we approach this tradition with a touch of lightheartedness and a dash of fun? After all, resolutions don't have to be all about self-improvement; they can be about embracing joy and adventure too!

So, as we embark on this brand-new year, let's throw out the old rulebook and make resolutions that are not only achievable but also bring smiles to our faces. Here are a few ideas to get you started on your path to a cheerful and fulfilling year ahead.

Explore Your Inner Chef: Instead of swearing off all your favorite foods, why not make a resolution to try a new recipe every month? Experiment with exotic cuisines, host themed dinner parties, and savor the joy of culinary exploration. You might just discover a hidden talent for whipping up delicious dishes!

Dance Like Nobody's Watching: If you've always secretly wanted to learn a dance style—whether it's salsa, hip-hop, or ballroom—why not make it your mission this year? Sign up for dance classes or simply crank up the music at home and let loose. Dancing is not only great exercise but also a fantastic mood booster! News flash: there’s no such thing as a bad dancer. I’m not kidding. If you’re doing it with joy, don’t worry about it. You’re doing it right.

Read for Pleasure: Reading doesn't have to be a chore. Make a resolution to read more books that genuinely interest you. Whether it's thrilling mysteries, heartwarming romances, or epic fantasies, let your imagination run wild through the pages of a good book.

Outdoor Adventures: Commit to spending more time in the great outdoors. Hike, bike, or simply take leisurely strolls in your local park. Nature has a magical way of rejuvenating the spirit and putting a spring in your step.

Random Acts of Kindness: Spread positivity and make the world a better place—one act of kindness at a time. Whether it's helping a neighbor, donating to a charity, or simply offering a warm smile, little acts of kindness can create ripples of happiness.

Laugh More: Laughter truly is the best medicine. Make it a resolution to seek out humor in your everyday life. Whether it's through stand-up comedy, funny podcasts, or simply sharing jokes with friends, let laughter be your daily dose of happiness.

Stay Curious: Feed your inner curiosity by learning something new. It could be picking up a new hobby, studying a new language, or diving into a fascinating subject you've always been intrigued by.

Remember, resolutions don’t have to be about strict rules or perfection but about creating opportunities for growth, joy, and adventure. My sister always picks one word that she’s going to live toward and live by and infuse in everything she does. That’s pretty simple, but focused and profound.

So, as you step into the new year, let your resolutions be a source of inspiration and laughter.

Here's to a year filled with smiles, adventure, and the wonderful journey of self-discovery!

Happy New Year Sunday Morning Coffee readers! Love, light, and peace to you!


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