The single most impactful contributor to student success…

Hola my fellow Sunday Morning coffee drinkers/readers! It’s such a beautiful, crisp fall day here in Maryland. I love fall. I spent much of my week in California, and I’ll admit that a pleasant 80-degree sunny day is a beautiful fall option to a crisp and cool one. It was beautiful out on the ‘other’ coast, and I was reminded of how diverse our country is, and how lucky we are to live where we can travel and experience different landscapes and spend time with people who live differently than ourselves. I was honored to be invited to spend time with teachers and administrators in Kings County (Fresno) to talk about how we can best understand students who are in the school-to-prison pipeline and how we can boost their chances of success. Among many things, we talked about effective teaching by answering these questions:

•What are the characteristics of effective teachers?

•How do I recognize and choose positive, effective teacher characteristics and behaviors?

•How do I apply the attributes of effective teaching?

•How will I reflect on my practice to continually improve?

On John Hattie’s website Visible Learning, he talks about his research where he ranked 252 influences on student success and effect sizes related to student achievement. With an effect size of 1.57, Hattie's research indicates that Collective Teacher Efficacy is significantly correlated with student achievement. In other words, the single most impactful contributor to student success is…

You guessed it. The teacher.

Hattie defines “Collective Teacher Efficacy” as "the collective belief of teachers in their ability to positively affect students."

In the intricate web of educational dynamics, one variable consistently emerges as the linchpin of student success: teachers. Beyond the curriculum, or the textbooks, or the technology, or the pedagogy, or the student’s home life, it’s the individuals at the front of the classroom and their belief in their student’s success who wield the most profound influence on a student's educational journey. Here’s how:

Educational Architects:

Teachers serve as architects, shaping the very foundations of knowledge that students build upon. They construct the framework upon which a student's understanding of the world is constructed. Their choices in lesson plans, teaching methods, and classroom atmosphere lay the groundwork for a lifelong pursuit of learning. They’re in charge of this building every day of the entire school year. Talk about impact! (and hard work).

Inspirational Guides:

More than disseminators of information, teachers are inspirational guides. They have the power to ignite curiosity, fuel passion, and instill a love for learning. A teacher's enthusiasm is contagious, sparking a fire within students that extends far beyond the confines of the classroom.

Emotional Stabilizers:

In the turbulent journey through academia, students often encounter challenges and setbacks. Teachers, acting as emotional stabilizers, provide crucial support. A well-timed word of encouragement or a reassuring gesture can make all the difference, fostering resilience and determination in the face of adversity. One of the crucial conversations I have with educators is that there is no neutral ground in how we show up to our students every day. We’re either a positive stabilizer or a negative one. Our choice.

Individualized Mentors:

Effective teachers recognize the unique needs and strengths of each student. They become mentors, tailoring their approach to accommodate diverse learning styles. This personalized guidance not only enhances academic performance but also nurtures a sense of belonging and self-worth among students. We’re one of the most significant ways our students learn how to be adults (even for our adult students) and how to be continuous learners.

Character Builders:

Education is not solely about acquiring knowledge; it’s about character development. Teachers play a pivotal role in molding the character of their students. Through their words, actions, and expectations, teachers contribute to the formation of responsible, empathetic, and socially conscious individuals.

Creating a Positive Ripple Effect:

Remarkable teachers create a ripple effect that extends through generations. By nurturing a love for learning and instilling a sense of purpose, they contribute to a society of empowered individuals who, in turn, inspire others. We should be the poster children for a growth mindset, passing on our love of learning.

Long-lasting Impact:

The impact of a great teacher extends far beyond the academic year. It transcends the confines of the classroom and resonates in the choices, aspirations, and achievements of students. A teacher's influence can be the catalyst for lifelong learning, critical thinking, and personal growth. I’m reminded of this every time I interact with former students, some of whom were in my classroom over 30 years ago, and also when I talk to the one teacher whom I loved as a learner and who shaped my career and my character. My dad was a long-term educator as well and at his funeral, hundreds of people from every small town he ever served gathered to pay their respects and tell stories about how he had changed or impacted their lives, some of whom had been out of school for 60 years or more. That’s impact, and that’s impact way beyond subject content.

Teaching is a profession that impacts every other profession on the planet. Educators aren’t merely conduits of information; we’re the catalysts for transformation. Our influence shapes the trajectory of a student's academic journey and leaves an indelible mark on how they view learning and on who they are. If we can stay healthy and satisfied with our work, we give students the best chance of staying happy in our classrooms and achieving success at school and beyond. 

If you know an educator who has contributed to your success, then I encourage you to reach out and remind them of that. Celebrate the pivotal role of teachers, and recognize and honor their profound impact on the success and flourishing of the generations they nurture. It’s what fuels us to stay in the business. If you ARE an educator who’s doing the impossibly hard work, then we celebrate you today and every day. Hang in there! You’re making such a huge difference to your students.

If you’re interested in a workshop to talk about effective teaching or related topics, contact me here. I love working with educators. There’s so much to be said in the realm of well-being and continuous learning about landing in a room full of people who share my passion.

I hope your Thanksgiving week is full of love and gratitude and, you know, thanks! As we near Giving Tuesday, remember to also reach out to individuals, nonprofits, and organizations that are doing good works in our communities. As a personal plug, my dear friends Paul Taylor and Borden Barrows and I have a nonprofit called Hand2Heart DC from which we provide education and training to incarcerated and justice-impacted men, women, and youth to give them every second chance they’re working toward. On November 28 (or any time), if you feel inspired to help us out, you can find a donate button here. We have several projects in the works, and we do daily work with folks as well. Even if you just want to buy a cup of coffee for a participant, it will be greatly appreciated. Giving Tuesday is also about volunteering, supporting, and performing acts of kindness to build strong communities, all of which I already know you’re great at.

And lastly, I’m thankful for you. Thankful that you take a few minutes each week to read my ramblings, thankful for those of you with whom I get to work, thankful for my family, and thankful for every former and current student who lets me know and see how they’re changing the world. Man. Life is such a great gig, isn’t it?



Debating Incarceration


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